In a pan over low heat, toast some glutinous rice flour until it is hot. Set aside to cool completely.
In a microwavable bowl, whisk together all the ingredients until smooth and no lumps remain.
Cover and microwave on high for 1 min, then remove and stir.
Repeat this process for another minute in the microwave. Remove and stir. It should start to become sticky after the second round.
Repeat for a third time, for another min in the microwave again. Remove and stir. By this third round, it should become more of a mochi texture. Repeat the above step until it becomes a mochi texture (smooth, and not extremely sticky, yet not too dry).
Sprinkle on some toasted glutinous rice flour on your work surface and form the mochi into a log. Divide the mochi into even pieces.
Dust your hands with toasted glutinous flour, and wrap the filling balls in each mochi, pinching all sides to seal tightly.
Let the mochi sit in room temperature for a few mins (to let the filling defrost). Sift on extra matcha powder on top. When the mochi is ready, enjoy!